Curriculum Vitae | Publikationen | Konferenzvorträge | Konferenzposter
Curriculum Vitae
seit 07/2021 | Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung für Klinische Psychologie und Neuropsychologie, Psychologisches Institut, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
12/2016 – 10/2021 | Ausbildung zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten (Verhaltenstherapie), Weiterbildungsstudiengang Psychologische Psychotherapie & Poliklinische Institutsambulanz für Verhaltenstherapie, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
12/2016 – 10/2021 | Weiterbildung zum Psychotherapeutischen Neuropsychologen (LPK), Weiterbildungsverbund in Klinischer Neuropsychologie der Unimedizin Mainz |
12/2016 – 06/2021 | Neuropsychologe / Stationspsychologe, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Unimedizin Mainz |
10/2016 | Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. in Psychologie, Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, Thema der Dissertation: „Investigating spatial reference frames for reaching in a naturalistic scenario" |
10/2013 – 09/2016 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Abteilung für Allgemeine Psychologie im deutsch-kanadischen Graduiertenkolleg IRTG 1901 „The brain in action“ (DFG), Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen |
10/2011 – 09/2013 | M. Sc. Psychologie, Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, Thema der Abschlussarbeit: „Hämodynamische Korrelate einer verbalen Sternbergaufgabe unter Hinzunahme waveletbasierter single-trial EEG-Parametrisierung“ |
10/2007 – 09/2010 | B. Sc. Psychologie, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Thema der Abschlussarbeit: „Die Wirkung emotionaler Reize auf visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsverläufe unter Anwendung eines neuen Experimentaldesigns“ |
Lu, Z., Klinghammer, M., & Fiehler, K. (2018). The role of gaze and prior knowledge on allocentric coding of reach targets. Journal of Vision, 18(4), 22.
Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2017). Scene configuration and object reliability affect the use of allocentric information for memory-guided reaching. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 204.
Klinghammer, M., Schütz, I., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2016). Allocentric information is used for memory-guided reaching in depth: a virtual reality study. Vision Research, 129, 13-24.
Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2015). Contextual factors determine the use of allocentric information for reaching in a naturalistic scene. Journal of Vision, 15(13), 24.
Fiehler, K., Wolf, C., Klinghammer, M., & Blohm, G. (2014). Integration of egocentric and allocentric information during memory-guided reaching to images of a natural environment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 636.
Lu, Z., Klinghammer, M., & Fiehler, K. (2018). Gaze and prior knowledge modulate allocentric coding in memory-guided reaching movement. 60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Marburg, Germany, March 2018.
Klinghammer, M., Schütz, I., Blohm, G., & Fiehler K. (2016). Depth cues for allocentric coding of objects for reaching in virtual reality. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Barcelona, Spain, August, 2016.
Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G., & Fiehler K. (2016). The role of contextual factors on the use of allocentric reference frames for reaching. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Heidelberg, Germany, March 2016.
Lu, Z., Klinghammer, M., & Fiehler, K. (2017). The effect of gaze behavior and prior knowledge on the use of allocentric information in memory-guided reaching. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Dublin, Ireland, May 2017.
Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2015). Reference frames for goal-directed reaching in natural scenes: The role of task relevance and scene coherence. 45th Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago (IL), USA, October 2015.
Schütz, I., Klinghammer, M., & Fiehler, K. (2015). Virtual breakfast: reference frames for goal-directed reaching in a 3D virtual reality environment. 45th Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago (IL), USA, October 2015.
Klinghammer, M., Wallner, L., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2014). Reaching for eggs and butter – Integrating spatial reference frames in natural scenes. 44th Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Washington (DC), USA, November 2014.
Fiehler, K., Wolf, C., Klinghammer, M., & Blohm, G. (2014). The role of reference frames for reaching in a naturalistic environment. 14th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, May 2014.
Schütz, I., Klinghammer, M. & Fiehler, K. (2013). Partial visual feedback of the hand is sufficient to reduce gaze-dependent reaching errors. 43rd Society for Neuroscience (SfN), San Diego (CA), USA, November 2013.